Thursday 21 January 2010

An Alexander Day part 303

So today I taught at the ArtsEd, the theatre school in Chiswick. 'Twas with first years and I did mapping of the lungs and diaphragm. As usual with singing and drama students where much emphasis is placed on diaphragmatic breathing and the expansion of the lower ribs, the students get the idea that their lungs are seated much lower, and always have gasps pf amazement when they see the lungs so high up. I use the catalogue from Body Works which makes it all so very clear. The diaphragm also becomes more three-dimensional in their minds, instead of a flat dividing line between chest and abdomen. Then I divided the group into 3 : one group had hands-on with me any my assistants Maria and David, graduates from the Carrington's school, whilst one group lay down in semi-supine, and another group coloured in a picture of the diaphragm. Colouring in means they learn easily and kinaesthetically. I forgot the Bach background music and the sweets, but both those things stimulate learning too.
In the afternoon I worked a warm up for the 3rd years who are about to tour a schools' production of 12th Night, and gave a couple of private tutorials to those in Colour of Justice. Then headed for home, cutting off from human existence and burying my thought into the Evening Standard. I always used to attract strange or drunk people wanting to talk to me, but since Alex Training, I just don't get bothered by them anymore. Nor do I get the 'Cheer up love it may never happen!', that used to infuriate me as sexist, patronising and unfair. How dare anyone comment so loudly or what I should or shouldn't look like?!! Maybe it is also that society is changed...that guys just don't call out like that anymore? I shall have to ask my drama students...
Annoyed that the interchange between Bank and Monument is still unfinished, I decided instead to simply enjoy the long walk outside in the cold air.
Two private students at home this evening and preparing lessons for tomorrow and Monday for Arts. I am writing a new 'Happening'. Precise instructions for 16 people to improvise on stage over 5 minutes - eg
Walk slowly across the stage from one corner to the other. If you meet someone else, give a tut of annoyance, turn and walk the other way. Repeat.
I have several already written but for 11 people. I write them for the MA course to help them think in an Alexander way whilst performing. They have been increasing the numbers gradually on the MA course. Humph. I enjoy this writing however.
I am being well prepared as I am having a social weekend with friends and family and won't have much time for any preparation.
Very tired now and have decided to turn in rather than finish it all. I'm stopping, not end-gaining. Just stopping. All will be well.

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